Monday, June 18, 2012

Jane's Bridal Makeup

This past Saturday, I had the pleasure of being a part of Jane and Ben's wedding experience. Jane and her BM's congregated to her house at the crack of dawn and they were such a cheerful and calm bunch. They were such an easy going bridal party and I could tell how much they adored Jane as their friend. Jane's beauty is definitely beyond skin deep and I'm so honored that I was able to contribute to her big day. I wish nothing but happiness and a wonderful marriage for Jane and Ben! Congratulations to the happy couple. :)

 Michelle is Jane's sister and the MOH, I loved how her cheeks have a cute dimple. :)

Bride and Bridesmaids hair by: Kimberly Anderson


  1. jane's makeup looks great! love the eyes and her skin looks fab!

    1. Thanks Skinny with a muff...sorry to hear that you're moody...but I heard you went to a wonderful concert on Sat! :) We should hang out so that I can share my woes with you... hahaha

    2. what woes?! lol. come over and hang out with me.

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks Michelle! It's only cuz you girls were already so beautiful! :)
